The objective of the Financecommunity Award is to elevate professionals and the excellencies in the financial field that have distinguished themselves for the number and type of operations, value of deals and their peculiarities.
Barabino & Partners was awarded the most prestigious (and unique) prize: after the Best Professional of the year award in the category Finance PR won last year by Luca Barabino, yesterday evening B&P won the title of 2017 Team of the Year in the category Finance PR for the following reason:
“Their leadership is undisputable: year after year, the group counts more prestigious clients, and not only in the financial sector.”
Federico Steiner, together with other colleagues, collected the prize in front of more than 800 guests that gathered at the “Museo nazionale della scienza e della tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci” in Milan yesterday evening to assist and take part in the third edition of the prize, it was thrilling.
Our excitement unfolds our gratification and awareness in having succeeded to contribute to the growth and consolidation of the Italian financial system in over 30 years.
At B&P we are very pleased with this reward that “enhances our contribution to Italian and international financial communication, telling the culture of the products and markets for a collective understanding”.
We would like to thank again Financecommunity and all those who have entrusted Barabino & Partners in these years of activity.
A particular thank you goes to the jury who have voted for us unanimously.
categories: Awards