On the weekend of 24 and 25 March, at Chiesa in Valmalenco (Sondrio), a mountain resort at the foot of Pizzo Bernina, the easternmost “four-thousander” in the Alps, took place “Cime della Comunicazione” (Communication peaks), the team building exercise of Barabino & Partners.
The two-day activity took off at the Zenith sport and cultural centre (www.centrodellamontagna.com), where the mountain guides Giuseppe Della Rodolfa (www.dellarodolfa.it) and Ivan Pegorari (www.valmalencoalpina.com) introduced the program of the day, flavoured with an aperitif from Valtellina and anecdotes of Alpine culture.
The group then moved to Rifugio Zoia (www.rifugiozoia.it), a hut located at an altitude of 2,021 metres, where it ventured into a snowshoe walk at sunset, before the unmistakable pyramid of Pizzo Scalino (3,323 mt).
The bravest ones climbed steep and frozen slopes to reach the Cristina hut (2,287 mt), while the rest of the pack awaited their return admiring the imposing mass of Mount Disgrazia (3,678 mt) from the warm Ca Runcash hut (2,170m).
Guided only by moonlight, the B&P team eventually returned to the hut, where they were welcomed by a hot bonfire and the culinary excellences of Valtellina, the ideal side dish of an evening followed by the rhythm of music.
On Sunday, relax at high altitude under a warm spring sun and, for the tireless, a second, adventurous, snowshoe walk.