Investor Relations (IR) are part of the institutional and financial communication. They strive to establish and strategically manage a transparent (and bi-lateral) stream of information between the listed company or debt issuer and the financial community.
As a result, Investor Relations professionals represent a genuine source of guidance to all those financial operators – including, shareholders, financial analysts and investors – seeking accurate and reliable information regarding the economic or business performance of a listed company as well as specific financial related aspects. Furthermore, Investor Relations aim to enhance growth strategies of listed companies, in order to raise awareness about their potential value and future prospects towards the investing community (both institutional and private).
Highly qualified and specialised professionals are therefore a prerequisite in this sector, able to provide companies with an integrated array of skills extending from communication through finance and perfect knowledge of market regulations up to marketing.
Barabino & Partners IR relies on a consolidated work method, based on timely and punctual reporting of the investment case, identifying the most efficient tools suited to satisfy the different necessities of the financial community. This approach is designed to promote the value and distinctive positioning of the company with an ideal timing and most accurate key messaging.
Barabino & Partners’ Investor Relations division supports listed and non-listed companies in ongoing communication activities, as well as on corporate finance transactions, by assisting internal structures or cooperating with the company’s top management.
The team gathers professionals with experience in countless extraordinary operations involving share capitalisation – varying in nature and size – many of which have shaped the history of Italian finance.
Over 20 years of experience in the sector ensure solid and healthy relations with the Italian financial community, together with a broad universe of international investors and analysts. Continuous interaction with global interlocutors and professionals ensures that the Company maintains up-to-date knowledge of the most advanced best practices in the area of Investor Relations, in addition to the regulation of financial markets.
Barabino & Partners has supported companies in all phases of operations including dozens of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), capital injections, Public Purchase Offers (Tender Offers), delisting,: from defining the strategic plan, up to the preliminary preparation of the materials and top management, starting from the launch of the Offer as far as reaching the first day of listing or the crowning of the extraordinary operation.
Barabino & Partners is a partner of the ELITE programme, conceived and promoted by Borsa Italiana – Milan Stock Exchange.